a sisterlocks journey

(a sisterlocks journey)

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Keeping your sisterlocks permed ends intact

Nicky asked:

How did u keep ur permed ends from breaking off hardcore with the strong loc texture at the top?


Hi Nicky,

I couldn't keep them from breaking off, but I was able to slow down the process. After all, my ends were permed and therefore, weaker than my natural hair. But I think the following things helped slow the process:

  • I didn't wash my hair excessively - Only once or twice between retightenings.
  • I NEVER used a curling iron or other heating implements, except for a bonnet dryer.
  • I never lifted color out to lighten my hair.
  • I continued to bind the permed ends very well and EVERYTIME I shampooed to avoid bunching. [You can loose 1/4 of your ends with one bad episode of bunching!]

But slowly losing the ends is unavoidable. When my hair was wet, you could really tell the difference between the roots and the straggly ends.

The final ten month photo that shows coily, full ends is an Dazzle Junction Glitter Textdue entirely to the 'braid-out' hair style!

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