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Sunday, October 16, 2011

What do you think? [...About Our Hair Issues]

I came across this trailer about our hair 'issues' today. The woman at the end of the video finds that hair is not a significant issue in her recent experience. I find that there's quite a divide --- more women with coily, helix hair who are comfortable natural (meaning without 'texturizers'), and many who haven't seen their natural hair in decades, haven't a clue what it's like, and who can't imagine finding out what it's like any time in the near future. I think they had to invent 'lacefronts' for the unfortunate sisters whose hair got burned out by perm, pulled out by micros, and tugged out by glue, leaving nothing left to 'weave' to. "You can do whatever you like", she says, but we don't make choices in a vacuum, and to significant degree, the outer reflects the inner...What do you think?

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